How to Transfer Money From PayPal to Gcash Without Linking



How to Transfer Money From PayPal to Gcash Without Linking

How do I send my money from my Paypal account to Gcash without linking the two accounts? Is there any way to indirectly send money from PayPal to Gcash without linking them? If you are here looking for an answer to any of these questions, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will teach you how to transfer money from PayPal to Gcash without linking the two accounts.

Sending money from your PayPal account to Gcash requires you to link the two accounts. But what if you do not know or feel like linking the two accounts? Can you still transact? While it is true you cannot directly send money to Gcash from PayPal without linking there are other ways to do it.

We will look at the some of the other ways to indirectly send money from PayPal to Gcash without linking the two accounts. It means that we will be looking at the alternative way to transact between the two accounts without linking.

How to Transfer Money From PayPal to Gcash Without Linking 

Here is an alternative way to transfer cash from PayPal to Gcash indirectly. First, we will choose the bank or credit card as our third party platform to transact between the two accounts.

Secondly, we will need to withdraw the money from our PayPal account to an eligible bank. (I assume you have already linked your PayPal to your bank account). After withdrawing the money from your PayPal to bank account, you can then transfer the money to your PayPal account using the Gcash app or your bank app.

Alternatively, you can use credit card as a third party platform to transact between the two accounts. You will need to first of all withdraw your money from PayPal to your credit card. Once you are done, transfer the money to your Gcash account using mobile banking app or Gcash app.

Another way to indirectly transfer money from PayPal to Gcash without linking the two is to use a third app that supports the transfer of money between the two accounts without linking. 

How to Transfer money from PayPal to a linked Gcash account

  • Log in to your PayPal account using your email and password
  • On your homepage, navigate to "Link or add bank or credit card"
  • Link your Gcash account to your PayPal
  • Click on "Link" to link both accounts
  • Click on "Withdraw" to transfer your money from PayPal to Gcash 

Transferring money from your PayPal account to Gcash requires linking both accounts. However, there are situations you prefer not to link both. We hope that the guidelines provided above will aid you to send money between both without directly linking both.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gcash and PayPal account linking

Here are some of the popular questions many ask about sending money from PayPal to Gcash account without linking them:

How do I transfer money from my PayPal to Gcash without linking the two accounts?

The truth is that you cannot directly withdraw money from your PayPal account directly to your Gcash account. It is a must to link both accounts before you will be able to transact. You can only transfer through a third-party platform such as the bank or credit card. There may be other platforms that allows you to send money from PayPal to Gcash without necessary linking them.

Why can't I transfer money from my PayPal account to Gcash?

First of all, check wether you have enough balance in your PayPal account. You must have enough cash in your PayPal account to be able to transfer to your Gcash account.

Secondly, make sure you have linked both accounts together. It is necessary to link Paypal to your Gcash account before you can transfer money between them.


Sending money to your Gcash account from your PayPal account requires you to link both accounts. However there are other ways to indirectly transact between them without linking. We hope that by going through this article you have understood how to transfer money from PayPal to Gcash without linking them together.

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